Selections from al-Kafi Ash-Shaykh al-Kulayni Vol. 13
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - Whenever the affair [imamate] of the Imams, p.b.u.t., becomes manifest, they judge in the way of Dawud and his descendants (referring to Sulayman) not asking for evidence [when judging (but rather relying on their own knowledge)] -peace, mercy and Divine favour be upon them
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - The source of knowledge is the family Muhammad, peace be upon them
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - Every truth in the possession of the peaople issued from the Imams, peace be upon them, and everything which did not issue from them is false
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - The command of the prophet, may Allah bless him and his progeny and preserve them, concerning acting in good faith towards the Imams of the Muslims and [maintaining] solidarity with their group, and who they are.
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - The right (haqq) of the Imam that must be observed by those under his protection, and their rights that he, p.b.u.h., observe
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - The whole earth belongs to the Imam, peace be upon him
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - The conduct of the Imam, as regards his self, his food and his clothing, when he becomes the master over the affair
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - Extra ordinary Hadith
- Extracted from The Book of Divine Proof - Small points and analecta relating to the revelation concerning mastership [al-wilayah]