AL-KAFI The Book of Belief and Unbelief Chapter 150 to 209

AL-KAFI The Book of Belief and Unbelief Chapter 150 to 209

  3. 150 – Chapter on Gloating (Rejoicing at Another’s Misfortune)
  4. 151 – Chapter on Abusing
  5. 152 – Chapter on Accusation and Mistrust
  6. 153 ‒ Chapter on He Who does not Advise his Brother Sincerely
  7. 154 ‒ Chapter on Breach of Promise
  8. 155 ‒ Chapter on He Who Puts Up A Barrier for His Brother (in Faith)
  9. 156 ‒ Chapter on He Who is Asked for Help by his Brother (in Faith) But does not Help Him
  10. 157 ‒ Chapter on He Who Prevents his Brother From What He or Others Have Got
  11. 158 ‒ Chapter on He Who Frightens A Believer
  12. 159 ‒ Chapter on Slander
  13. 160 ‒ Chapter on Disclosing Secrets
  14. 161 ‒ Chapter on One Who Obeys People by Disobeying His Creator
  15. 162 ‒ Chapter on Sins that Bring Quick Punishment
  16. 163 ‒ Chapter on Companionship with Sinners
  17. 164 ‒ Chapter on Categories of People
  18. 165 ‒ Chapter on Disbelief
  19. 166 ‒ Chapter on The Features of Disbelief
  20. 167 ‒ Chapter on The Pillars of Disbelief and Its Branches
  21. 168 ‒ Chapter on The Characteristics of Hypocrisy and A Hypocrite
  22. 169 ‒ Chapter on Polytheism
  23. 170 ‒ Chapter on Doubt
  24. 171 ‒ Chapter on Straying from the Right Path
  25. 172 ‒ Chapter on The Helpless
  26. 173 ‒ Chapter on Those Who Await the Edict of Allah
  27. 174 ‒ Chapter on The People of The Heights (al-A‘raf)
  28. 175 ‒ Chapter on The Categories of Heretics: The Qadariyyah, The Khawarij, The Murji’ah, etc.
  29. 176 ‒ Chapter on Those Whose Hearts are to be Reconciled
  30. 177 ‒ Chapter on The Hypocrites, The Aberrant and Satan
  31. 178 ‒ Chapter on the Verse: And Among the People are Those Who Worship Allah on the Fringe
  32. 179 ‒ Chapter on The Least that Makes A Servant Faithful, A Disbeliever or Misguided
  33. 180 ‒ Chapter
  34. 181 ‒ Chapter on The Establishment of Faith and Whether Allah Can Take It Away
  35. 182 ‒ Chapter on Those Who Are Lent [Faith]
  36. 183 ‒ Chapter on The Sign of One Who is Lent [Faith]
  37. 184 ‒ Chapter on Inattention of the Heart
  38. 185 ‒ Chapter on The Darkness of A Hypocrite’s Heart and The Brightness of A Believer’s Heart
  39. 186 ‒ Chapter on The Changing States of the Heart
  40. 187 ‒ Chapter on The Whispers and Murmurs of the Soul
  41. 188 ‒ Chapter on Confessing One’s Sins and Showing Remorse
  42. 189 ‒ Chapter on Covering Up Sins
  43. 190 ‒ Chapter on One Who Intends to do Good or Evil Deeds
  44. 191 ‒ Chapter on Repentance
  45. 192 ‒ Chapter on Repentance for Sin
  46. 193 ‒ Chapter on What Allah, to Whom Belong Might and Majesty, Gave Ᾱdam (‘a.s.) When He Repented
  47. 194 ‒ Chapter on Minor Lapses
  48. 195 ‒ Chapter on The Tripartite Classification of Sins
  49. 196 ‒ Chapter on The Hastening of Punishment for Sin
  50. 197 ‒ Chapter on The Consequences of Sins
  51. 198 ‒ Chapter on Uncommon Traditions
  52. 199 ‒ Chapter on More Uncommon Traditions
  53. 200 ‒ Chapter on [how] Allah Wards Off [Divine Wrath] From Those Who Don’t Do [Good] Because of Those Who Do [Good]
  54. 201 ‒ Chapter on [how] Abandoning Sin is Easier than Seeking Repentance
  55. 202 ‒ Chapter on Gradual Ruin
  56. 203 ‒ Chapter on Accounting for One’s Actions
  57. 204 ‒ Chapter on Those Who Find Faults in Others
  58. 205 ‒ Chapter on [how] A Muslim is not Punished for What he Did in Jahiliyyah
  59. 206 ‒ Chapter on [how] Disbelief, When Followed by Repentance, Does not Invalidate Actions
  60. 207 ‒ Chapter on Those Who are Shielded from Tribulation
  61. 208 ‒ Chapter on That for Which the Ummah is Not Held Responsible
  62. 209 ‒ Chapter on [how] No Evil Can Harm One with Faith and No Good Can Benefit One with Disbelief