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Religion & Belief God & his attributes

God did not come from anywhere. He is "Self-existent"; therefore, His existence cannot be limited by "from'' and "to". He is forever.
Other things sometime exist, sometime do not exist. We may ask about these things "when'' or "how" or "where from'' did they come into being.
Your question is misplaced. God is "Self-existent" therefore His existence cannot be questioned.
Other things sometimes exist, sometimes do not exist; a few years ago you were not there, now you do exist; after some years your existence will come to an end. We may ask about such things why do they exist. There "being" needs a creator; without a force to cause them "to be" they cannot come into existence.
Therefore, it is quite right to ask the cause of the existence of other things; but God is Existence Himself and we cannot ask "why" does He exist.
The answer is "NO" - Nature is a created thing and God is its Creator. The two cannot be the same.
The word ‘Rahim’ literally means ‘Merciful’. In Arabic language it was being used for merciful persons. And it continued to be used in that way. In the Qur’an this adjective has been used for our beloved Prophet also. But ‘Rahman’ was not used before Islam and in the Islamic terminology the difference in the meaning and usage of the two names was prescribed, as I have mentioned in the book, ‘God of Islam’.
Read Surah Qul Huwallah, with its meaning:-
"Say, He is Allah, the One; Allah, the eternally Besought of all; He Begets not nor was He begotten; and there is none like unto Him''.
It means that there is only one God - Eternal, Self-sufficient; He has no beginning or end; He is Omnipotent, has power over everything and every affair. He is Omniscient, knows everything, nothing is ever a secret from Him. He has His own discretion in all affairs, does not do anything under compulsion. He is All-perceiving, All-hearing, All-seeing and Omnipresent. He sees and hears everything though He has neither eye nor ear. He has no partner or colleague, nor has He any son, daughter or wife. He is neither made nor composed of any material substance. He has no body nor is He confined to a place. He is not afflicted by anything related to body; He is not governed by time, space, change or things like that. He is not visible. He has not been seen, and will never be seen either in this world or the hereafter. His attributes are not separate from His person.
The belief in the Unity of God is the foundation stone of Islam. This belief governs the religious faith, designs the social patterns and gives life to the moral codes.

The first sentence of the Islamic Kalimah, i.e., "There is no god except Allah': leads a Muslim throughout his life not only in religious matters but in social behaviour also. "There is no god" shows a Muslim that nothing in the universe is superior to him. It is observed in the Qur'an that "He it is Who has created for you all that is in the earth:' So a Muslim knows that nothing in this world is to be worshipped. Neither stone nor trees; neither animals nor human-beings; neither the Sun nor the Moon nor the Stars can be worshipped; because everything is created, and created for his benefit. When a Muslim, thus, has rejected every falsehood and every idea of nature-worship, idol-worship or human-worship, he is ready to believe in the positive truth of the Unity of God. Believing in a Supreme being gives an aim to our life and provides a purpose for our actions. Had a man been left with the wrong impression that there was no God at all, his life would have been aimless, and an aimless life is dangerous. So it is added that there is no god "except Allah''. This sentence has a negative as well as a positive aspect. Both are instrumental in creating the belief that every man is equal to every other person. When nobody is superior, nobody is inferior. Thus, the belief in the Unity of God promotes the sense of brotherhood, equality and equity which is another feature of Islam.
. 'Adl means that Allah is just; He does not do injustice to any one. He has ordered us to do justice to our fellow creatures - but He Himself treats us not only with justice but with grace. He created us for His worship, in order that we may attain spiritual perfection through it. That spiritual perfection enables us to reach nearer to Allah.

For this purpose, He has given us freedom of will and choice. When we choose, by our own free will, the Straight Path (prescribed by Allah) we are assured in the next world of everlasting happiness and glory by Grace of Allah.

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