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Laws & Worship Hajj (pilgrimage)

"Kaaba in Mecca is the most liked house of God in this world, but even more liked than that is the heart of the Mumin (faithful) which is said to be the 'choicest house of Allah''.
The tradition concerns 'Umar ibn al-Khattab and 'Abdur Rahman ibn 'Awf both of whom were non-Ma'sum and their views are not binding on us. Moreover, your quotation does not say or imply that giving lecture in Hajj was not permissible. It only shows that 'Umar was advised not to speak on a certain subject in that gathering, and yet it is clear that if touching on such subjects during Hajj were "forbidden': 'Umar would not have thought of speaking on them in Hajj, in the first place. That he accepted Ibn 'Awfs advice, is besides the point. It shows speaker's own discretion, not religious prohibition. Apart from that, beginning from the time of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) uptill now Khutbas have been delivered in 'Arafat and/or Mina, during Hajj days, dealing with the matters concerning the Muslim Ummah. 'Umar himself used to deliver lectures in 'Arafat during Hajj. (Vide Kanzul 'Ummal, vol.5, p.284, hadith No.12902). So, why object if some people wanted to express their views on common matters of Ummah before Hajj?

Of course, as I have said above, you may argue that it was not "essential"; but none can say that it was against the sanctity of Hajj.

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